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Thank you for doing actual, objective reporting on what happens with the hundreds of millions of dollars pulled in with taxes and spent by SF government. These programs appropriate taxpayer money and seem to be given mainly to those with political pull, not the intended recipient. I don't agree with government taking money from one person to give to another, and I dispute that there is any "benevolent" intent for the money after all these decades to study the results. It's not a popular view in SF but freedom, for everyone, the homeowners, the producers of wealth (businesses), the workers, the self-employed, you name it, is the way to help those who need help, but making opportunity so available, they are overwhelmed with choices to escape poverty. But even if one discounts all that, the fact that SF with a population of 808,988 has 35,000 City Employees while San Jose, second largest city in California, with almost 1 million people (over a much larger area) has 7,000 City Employees should be enough to get people's attention.

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