BRAVO!! Thank you for being the only journalist to write the truth in its unvarnished form whether people like it or not! You have the guts to call out people who believe that just because the are in a position of authority they are above everyone else and they are not! Please continue to share it all!

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Well done Susan

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Thank you for showing the truth about Boudin.

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Wow, shocking that he was walking about with that many felonies.

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More Solid Reporting!

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It's pathetic how Boudin supporters resort to characterizing the recall as a Republican initiative. I don't have many Republicans in my circle of friends, but I know all of my coworker and friends would love to see Boudin back as a public defender and not as a prosecutor. He's skewed the balance on the scales of justice.

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So, you've uncovered "Project Mayhem."?

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Thank you for reporting the sad state of affairs in Lawless San Francisco. There is no street where crime has not encroached whether it is Outer Broadway and Outer Vallejo Street, Nob Hill, Presidio Heights it just does not matter because nobody is doing time for doing the crime. SF is truly Lawless, nobody is scared of getting sent away so the endless crime sprees continue daily. A sad situation.

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Amazing. Great article.

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billionaires dangling hit-piece bounty money before amused group of D-List journalism dropouts. Eureka.

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I actually graduated from journalism school. Obviously you can’t debate the article so you just throw old tired stereotypes. This isn’t a hit piece. Not one personal thing about Boudin. Just facts. Oh, and by the way, I broke the corruption stories that took down a bunch of moderates, so I’m an equal opportunity reporter.

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Slay his ass Ms. SDR!!! Some people are just stupid, end of story!

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Government is representative of the people. One-third of business failures are due to embezzlement, fraud, theft, etc., carried out by managers, directors, accountants, salespeople, etc.,. Government positions have a large pool of candidates.

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Fuck off - if this does not make you see that Boudin is a disaster then you deserve to be knocked over by the car Troy drives

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It's called accountability - you don't have to agree with my assessment that Chesa needs to go, but the facts are fairly indisputable around what happened here. You may agree with his philosophy on crime, and thats fine too. Let's just have a debate, with honest facts, I think that's what this is about.

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If you can’t comment on the case and just want to make personal attacks, you’re adding nothing constructive.

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